Tim: Settle Down Easy Brewery/ El Tio

When Andrew and I decided to do our version of The Trip, but limited to restaurants within a 5 mile radius of our houses, Settle Down Easy Brewery was an obvious first choice. I moved to Falls Church in 2019, 4 minutes from this brewery, and I only realized it existed when Andrew mentioned visiting it on a house hunting trip in the area. He has since moved to Fairfax, a couple minutes down 50 from me. I first tasted some of the offerings from Settle Down when Andrew visited me after such a house hunting trip. He brought me a growler from a brewery nearby that he said perfectly aligned with my All-American values, noting that FoxNews was on every screen in the brewery. This of course piqued my interest. The beer was forgettable, but I was still intrigued by a brewery so close by but so unseen. To preface our actual inaugural outing, both Andrew and I are lucky enough to be fully vaccinated. However, I still wanted to ease in to things with an outdoor setting. In terms o...